Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Happy seven months are sweet Taylor Brynn.

Wow! your dad and I can't believe it is already been seven months since you joined our family. We love you so much and can't imagine what our family would be like without you in it. You recently have turned into an entirely new baby. You have exchanged your fussiness for happiness. It's hard for us to believe that you were once sad/colicky all the time.
You have learned some new talents this last past month, and are pretty proud of yourself. You have learned how to pull yourself up in your crib. You have two teeth on the bottom. You are sitting all by yourself and already attempting to crawl. ( please slow down) 
You are the sweetest baby ever and lately mommy can't get enough of you! My favorite time with you is at night when you love to cuddle.
This by far has been her favorite month with you! We love you so much Taylor Brynn and can't wait to see what's next in store.

I will post pictures soon! Sorry my bloggin has been so behind lately.

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