I can't believe it has already been a month since we welcomed miss Taylor Brynn into the world. She makes our family complete and we couldn't image life without her! She is so incredibly sweet, she loves to sleep & be held, which is just perfect because I never want to put her down! It is an amazing feeling to bring another baby girl into this world, you always wonder how you will be able to love another child like the one you already have, but then it just happens. And it is incredible! My heart is bursting with love & happiness.
Callie is such a great big sister so far, and I absolutely love seeing them together. There has not been a day since Taylor has been born that Callie has not woken up asking for the " babies". She loves giving her lovies and rubbing her soft hair.
At Taylors 2 week appointment she weighed exactly 9lbs!!! She moved into 3 month clothes at 10 days old and is already wearing a size 1 diaper. She is growing so fast I can't believe my eyes. Our next appointment is her 2 month appointment and I can't wait to see how much she has grown.